Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Witches Protection Program by Micheal Phillip Cash

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review

Wes Rockville, a disgraced law enforcement agent, is given one last chance to prove himself and save his career when he's reassigned to a 232 year old secret government organization. The Witches Protection Program. His first assignment: uncover a billion-dollar Cosmetics company’s diabolical plan of using witchcraft for global domination, while protecting its heiress Morgan Pendragon from her aunt’s evil deeds. Reluctantly paired with veteran witch protector, Alastair Verne, Wes must learn to believe in both witches and himself. Filled with adventure, suspense and a rousing good time, Michael Phillip Cash creates a tongue-in-cheek alternate reality where witches cast spells and wreak havoc in modern day New York City.

Pic and description from

My Review

What I Loved: 
Amazing story concept:  Such a unique story idea! I almost didn't ask to review the book because I am not into cop stories.  Don't think I am horribly sexist but most cop books are geared to men.  This book is not a traditional crime book with cops, guns and bad guys.  While it does have those things the author tossed witches in to the mix.  I loved it!
Morgan:  She is a great female lead.  A mirror opposite of the main villain in the story; sweet and kind but also spunky.  Her whole world is turned upside down and she stays strong and meets the craziness of her life head on. 
The villains:  Wow!  This author has written some great villains.  Not sure what to think that they are all women though (just kidding!).  If you love a good villain like I do you will love the ones in this book.
Wes:  Great male lead!  He is cute but not cocky, which I love because I can't stand the male characters that are good looking and completely stuck on themselves.  He had problems growing up and since most of us didn't have a perfect childhood he is totally relatable.
Not So Much:
Too short:  The only thing I disliked about this book is that it was too short!  I would have loved to see a little more story development.  I love being able to get in to the character's heads just a little more.
Parent Guide:
This book is appropriate for high school and older.  There is one female character that makes a pass at another female character, but it isn't overtly sexual.  There is a little swearing but amazingly no sex.  Hooray!  Not an easy thing to find anymore so kudos to the author.

My Rating

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Remember by Shannon Dermott

ARC Review

When sixteen year old Charlize finds herself unmistakably lost in the forest with no memory how she got there, it was easy for her to assume the angel face boy who saves her was there to. But little did she know that couldn’t be further from the truth.

With a brush of death, she finds new reasons to live after the unexplained death of her father. Her only regret in last three years was letting the one boy she could have loved get away.

Plunged into a world not of her making, there are those that will hunt her, a foe that calls her Little Queen, and her torn heart. Most of all, she will have to remember and face her memories if she is to survive.

My Review

What I Loved: 
The guys:  Remember the whole book boyfriend thing I talked about?  This book has two!  Peter is the dark, mysterious bad boy.  Tattoos and piercings but an amazingly sweet guy underneath it all.  Then there is Adam.  The best friend, loyal and all-American guy.  Both of these guys are great and Charlie has to choose between them.  Not an easy decision when one of them will end up hurt and half her heart will be broken.
Charlize (Charlie):  Love this girl!  She was raised to be tough and independent and to stand on her own two feet.  These are the kinds of girls I love to see as the lead characters in books.  I am a firm believer that while dreaming about Prince Charming is great, our girls should be taught to be like Charlie and not be waiting around for a guy to come and save them.
Mystery:  The author does a great job of having just enough mystery in the story to keep you hooked.  It drives me crazy when authors build so much mystery in to the story and then give nothing away.  Luckily, in this book you get enough clues and answers that you won't go completely batty.

Not So Much:
Twilight-esque:  This part is a bit of a spoiler so be warned.  Charlie is caught between two guys; one a vampire, one a shifter.  While it is a completely different story it still resembles Twilight. Although, in the author's defense there are only so many options when writing about a paranormal love triangle.  I just got a little bored with all the vampire/shifter books that rode the coattails of Twilight.
Editing!:  So...My daughter calls me a Grammar Nazi and I have to say it is a bit true.  Because of that I try to be a bit lenient about editing when I read books.  This book just had so many issues it almost appeared as if it had never been edited.  It drove me a bit crazy and I probably wouldn't have read the entire book if the story hadn't been so great.

Parent Guide:
This book is appropriate for high school and older. I would not recommend it to kids younger than that.  Take in to account that it does contain vampires and shifters, so there is some death.  Most is a direct result of keeping Charlie safe but it may still be disturbing for younger readers.  There is also some talk about sex.  Nothing graphic or nearly as bad as the things I hear in the hallways of my kids' schools but still there.

My Rating

The Last of the Firedrakes by Farah Oomerbhoy

ARC Review 
Publication date: August 15, 2015
 16-year-old Aurora Darlington is an orphan. Mistreated by her adopted family and bullied at school, she dreams of running away and being free. But when she is kidnapped and dragged through a portal into a magical world, suddenly her old life doesn’t seem so bad.

Avalonia is a dangerous land ruled by powerful mages and a cruel, selfish queen who will do anything to control all seven kingdoms—including killing anyone who stands in her way. Thrust headlong into this new, magical world, Aurora’s arrival sets plans in motion that threaten to destroy all she holds dear.

With the help of a young fae, a magical pegasus, and a handsome mage, Aurora journeys across Avalonia to learn the truth about her past and unleash the power within herself. Kingdoms collide as a complicated web of political intrigue and ancient magic lead Aurora to unravel a shocking secret that will change her life forever.

Description and book pic from Goodreads

My Review

What I Loved: 
Aurora:  She is a great character.  I love that the author makes her so realistic.  Many times in books authors will make teen characters a little over the top; either super complacent (which teens just aren't) or so bratty you can't stand them (which luckily most aren't).  Aurora is just the right mix, a little snarky and head-strong but an overall good kid.
Rafe:  So many readers of the female persuasion are completely captivated by what we refer to as our 'book boyfriends'.  There is just something girls love about great male characters that sweep the female lead off their feet and Rafe is a great example of this. A man of mystery, amazing fighter and totally committed to Aurora.  If only it were that simple!  Not giving anything away though so read the book!

Not So Much:
Harry Potter: So I know that the plot line is completely different from Harry Potter but I just couldn't help but get that same sort of vibe when Aurora enrolls in the magic school.  It could be that I would feel the same way about any book featuring a magic school since I loved all the Harry Potter books.  Who knows?
More depth:  The plot is great and the writer is amazing but I wished that there had been a little more depth to the story.  It almost had more of a novella or serial feel (which for the record I do not enjoy) instead of a novel.  The author skimmed over so much potential story, especially with Aurora's time at school.  I like to really get in to the character's heads and understand the reasons behind what they do in the story and I just didn't get that in this book. 

Parent Guide:
This book is great for middle school ages and up.  No swearing or adult themes.  It is a typical story of good versus evil and the evil queen uses dark magic so that may need to be taken in to consideration as I know there are some parents that do not allow their kids to read about magic.

My Rating

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Ignited (Unclaimed #2) by Laurie Wetzel

ARC Review
Expected publication date: August 3rd 2015

After surviving an attack from a demon that killed her friend, Maddy Page thought the worst was over.
It’s not.
Word is spreading through the supernatural world about Maddy, the mortal girl with rare gifts. Some want to use her powers; others want to destroy her. One wants to protect her—her boyfriend, an angel named MJ.
MJ knows that the demon that attacked Maddy was sent to collect her by someone very powerful. Someone he has tried and failed to stop before. MJ can’t beat him, but he will do whatever it takes to keep Maddy safe, even if it means turning his back on his own kind. 

Picture and book description from
My Review

What I Loved: 
Justin:  He is an horrible character that was introduced in the Unclaimed.  He was kind of creepy and disturbing in the first book but it this book he literally mad my skin crawl.  In Ignited he is truly evil and stalks Maddy through the whole book.  He believes that he loves her but it is just obsession and she just can't find a way to get away from him.  Absolutely one of the best book villains I have come across.
Mystery:  I had a ton of questions at the end of book one and was hoping that I would be able to get some answers in book two.  Didn't happen. In fact I think I have more questions now.  It certainly makes me anxious to get my hand on the next book.  The author did a great job of giving just enough info to get you hooked in to the story while holding out important info to insure readers will want the next book.
Maddy: When I reviewed the first book I complained that Maddy was too whiny and self-loathing, and boy was she!  In this book  she was so much better about not hating on herself and not nearly so whiny.  Thank heavens!  I actually really like Maddy in this book.  Her life is crazy but she is starting to remember the person she used to be and not let her circumstances send her in to self doubt and insecurities. I am hoping that she will eventually go back to the self confident, kick-butt girl she used to be!
Not So Much:
?:  So this was hard.  I didn't absolutely love this book but I really can't say why.  The only thing I can think of is that maybe it is because of how dependent Maddy is on MJ.  It is great how much they love each other but Maddy seriously needs him touching her to feel complete.  I get that it is an important part of the story line but I wish it wasn't quite so extreme.   While I am far from a feminist, I also don't like girls getting the message that they cannot be complete without a guy in their lives.  Girls need to be told they are enough on their own.  Maybe I just couldn't get passed this enough to rate it higher.

Parent Guide:
The book by default could be considered disturbing by some parents since it is about angles and demons.  That said there are only a few things parents should be aware of.  I already mentioned the first thing above.  The scene containing the murder is disturbing but not graphic.  There is also a scene in which a demon is compelling a human to do something they would never do normally.  There is also possession, not The Exorcist type of possession but where a spirit takes over a body to experience life.  The spirit doesn't do anything bad but it is still possession.

My Rating